As I've been journeying to know God better, deeper, I've begun reading the Bible with my "love" glasses on. The bible is God's love story. Do you want to know who God is? Read about Him in the pages of the Bible.
God's plan was to create man and walk with him in perfect unbroken relationship for eternity.
Guess what? That plan has not changed.
God never desired our bodies to decay, that was a result of free will. Man, (Adam and Eve) chose to exercise their free will and disobey God, which resulted in separation and death.
God continued to pursue His creation, but they were distracted and preoccupied with themselves and their fleshly desires. (Read the account of Noah) Then a man (Abraham), chose to know God intimately and so much so, God called him "friend" and through Abraham made a nation (Israel) to set apart for Himself. Desiring to walk with man in unbroken relationship and to be their God, their provider and their healer.
Once again man, this time His very own chosen people, rejected Him, chosing instead to pursue other 'gods'.
God still longed for intimacy with man, this had never changed, because God never changes. The Word says that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So God's plan never did change either...He walked with man in the garden and He still longs to walk with man now.
God then did the unthinkable, He came down, took on flesh and walked as man. God, the One and Only Living God, creator of all, walking as man? Yes! Jesus Christ is God incarnate, Immanuel (God with us). The Father's heart toward man was expressed through His Son. (John 3:16) Jesus Himself said He only did and said what He seen the Father do and what the Father told Him. (John 14:10) Jesus says in John 10:30, "I and The Father are one". Hebrews 1:3, Col. 1:15 (esp Amp) says that Jesus is the expess image of the Father, His exact representation. Jesus also said that the Father was in Him and He in the Father.(John 14:10,11)
Jesus told Phillip that seeing Him was seeing the Father. (John 14:9)
Jesus came and took on flesh for one reason only! To bring people back into unbroken fellowship with Himself and the Father (remember they are one). In order to that, He had to walk a sinless life, which He did. He had to shed His blood for the atonement of our sins, (paying the full penalty for our sins) which He did. We now have full access to unbroken fellowship with the Living God. Jesus made that possible.
How amazing is that? God's done all the work for us, we only have to believe and accept His sacrifice, His work on our behalf.
Oh how I love you ~ Yeshua!!
Oh how I love you~ Yehovah!!
Read His word, get to know The God who passionately pursues your heart and made a way for you to have an intimate unbroken relationship with Him. Believe in Him, He's real! Don't take my word for it, read about Him and then ask Him yourself. He will reveal Himself to you too. But He doesn't just want you to believe on Him and then go about your life...the whole point was unbroken relationship.....remember?
If you've never accepted His sacrifice on your behalf, won't you now? God's word says in Rom 10:9,10..."that if you confess with your mouth, Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved. For with the heart man believes (trusting in and relying on Christ and what He's done for you), resulting in righteousness (right standing with God), and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation."
Being a christian is all about being WITH GOD!! Literally walking with God in unbroken relationship. As we pursue Him in this relationship and come to know who He is, our faith in Him grows and we become more like Him (taking on His character, by being with Him). It's about returning to Eden, spiritually speaking.
God's word says in 1 Cor 6:17 that our spirits are united as one with God's own spirit when we become followers of Christ (born-again)! Sound radical? It is! God made that possible through Jesus Christ.
Even if you know Jesus as savior and are born-again, do you know Him intimately? Can you describe Him? Do you long for His company? Get to know the Living God~ talk with Him frequently and wait on Him to talk back (this is hard, because we have soooo many distractions, but its worth it!) Read about Him in His word.
He's actively calling out to you, won't you respond to His call?