Monday, November 26, 2012

The choice is Ours

Has anyone told you yet today, that Jesus loves you?  If not, let me be the 1st!  Jeus loves you passionately!

Did you know that God did not make hell for man?  He made hell for satan and his angels.  When Adam and Eve chose to disobey God and sin, they chose to separate themselves from God.  God made man to walk eternally with Him, in intimate fellowship.  After Adam and Eve sinned, this beautiful relationship between God and man was broken.  A holy God can not walk with sinful man.

God, Who is outside of time, knew this would happen, (by the way, He knew and YET created man great is His love for us).  Because He knew, He had a plan in place all along, He would send His only Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem man and repair the broken relationship between Himself and man.  There is only one way to God, to heaven...through Jesus Christ, His Son and His shed blood.  

The choice to choose Jesus Christ's sacrifice on our behalf is given to each and every person.  We choose Him and His plan of salvation or hell.  God's will is that no man perish (in hell), but that everyone choose Life, through His Son.  1 Tim 2:4

Once you choose Him, you are restored into that beautiful eternal relatonship again with our holy God, who now calls you His child.  You begin your walk with God now... "This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ Whom You have sent."  John 17:3 

The relationship between you and God begins the moment you accept Jesus' sacrifice on your behalf.  You enter into a covenant with the Living God.  Now begins the wonder of getting to  know the only true God and Jesus Christ His Son. 

Have you chose Him yet?  If so, have you begun your walk to know Him?

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